David Bouffard: guide and inspiration to approach the incredible vertical world of Dry Tooling

10 January 2024

Dry Tooling Technique, event organized by Maramont, Kayland, Forecast equipment and Alpine Club Romania Brașo


David Bouffard, world-class ice climbing athlete and member of the Canadian national team, participated in the Drytooling event organized by Maramont, Kayland, Forecast equipment and Romania Brașo Alpine Club, which was held on December 10. A moment to allow beginners and not only to approach the DryTooling, a discipline that brings the verticality and technique of ice falls on the rock.

Here is the account of the event of David Bouffard himself.

"On the 10 December, I had the pleasure to receive 50 Drytoolere of every level at the Technics of Drytooling second edition. This event was organized with my partners from Maramont, Kayland, Forecast equipment and Club Alpin Romania Brașov.

This event was organized to give the chance to the drytooling community of Romania to meet and to create an entrance for the new climbers of this wonderful discipline. During this event I offered a free initiation clinic, where I shared my knowledge, experience and passion to help the community to advance and appreciate this underground sport. We offered to the participants the chance to try special equipment like Drytooling Ice tools from Forecast equipment and Drytooling boots from Kayland to understand and feel the difference between them and the usual mountaineering equipment.

I was very pleased to see the number of people who had come to this event, even more because of the number of beginners that were present. Almost half of the participants were at the first or second time trying this sport.

For me personally, it was an amazing day where I had the chance to share my passion and my knowledge to so many wonderful people. My expectations were exdeeded and I was very pleased to see the interest of so many climbers. "